Learning in the subjects of the common trunk in the autonomous reasoning of the students of the basic elementary sublevel



  • Linda Gabriela Barrero-Zambrano Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Francisca Margarita Ávila-Rosales Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Manabí, Ecuador


autonomous reasoning, common core, elementary basic, learning, subjects


The objective is to analyze learning in the subjects of the common core, for autonomous reasoning in students of the basic elementary sublevel, of the Educational Unit Fiscomisional Cinco de Mayo of the city of Chone in the year 2022. The lack of materials for the development of the tasks and the ease to answer the tasks with very little effort were evidenced. The descriptive research was carried out by relating the techniques and strategies that were used, such as: surveys of students, parents, and observation sheets, having a population of 108 students and 107 parents. The result was that the developed research served to verify the stated objective, verifying that the teachers use the materials related to the subjects of the common trunk to develop the autonomous reasoning of the students and these develop practices according to the given contents, while the Parents support their children in school activities.


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How to Cite

Barrero-Zambrano, L. G., & Ávila-Rosales, F. M. (2022). Learning in the subjects of the common trunk in the autonomous reasoning of the students of the basic elementary sublevel. International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 176-183. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijss.v5n3.1921

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