Legal protection of workers due to termination of employment due to resignation


  • Sukhebi Mofea Sheikh Yusuf Islamic University, Tangerang, Indonesia


legal protection, resignation, termination employment, workers


The purpose of this research is to find out (1). Legal protection of workers due to termination of employment (2). The role of the government in manpower is following Article 156 paragraph 4 letter c of Law Number 13 of 2003 (3). The legal culture carried out by the company is related to the legal protection of the rights of resigning workers. The research method uses normative law based on secondary data, supported by data obtained from interviews with workers, and public-private institutions. The results obtained (1). The substance of the regulation concerning the legal protection of workers' rights due to termination of employment due to resignation (2). Regulations have not been formulated clearly and comprehensively it creates legal uncertainty for workers (3). Regulations have an impact on government officials in implementation, with higher laws and regulations, (4). Create differences in legal culture in private companies and state-owned enterprises.


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How to Cite

Mofea, S. (2022). Legal protection of workers due to termination of employment due to resignation. International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 211-221.