Ayurveda foundation of pharmaceutical medicine




Ayurveda, health service, medicine, pharmacy, religion


The Ayurveda is a part of the Smrti Veda in Hinduism, which contains a lot of traditional knowledge that has been very useful for human life throughout the ages. Because it is so very complex in terms of treatment, the Ayurveda is also used as a basic foundation in medical treatment. The science that manages medical drugs is called pharmacy. In pharmaceutical development, from finding medicinal ingredients to the stage of making drugs so as to produce drugs and distribute drugs according to the rules set by the Health Service. So that once the medicines reach the patient there are no problems, the patient becomes completely healthy as expected. Pharmacists in today's Ayurveda era are still used as a basis for making medicines.


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How to Cite

Suryani, N. G. A. P. (2022). Ayurveda foundation of pharmaceutical medicine. International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(4), 347-350. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijss.v5n4.2049