Interpretation of the commandment to women's hijab authorize according to the Quran, Al Hadith and Ahlussunnah Waljamaah Ulama



Hadith scholar, Hadith, interpretation Hijab, Muslim woman, Quran


This research discusses the interpretation of the obligation to wear hijab for Muslim women according to various sources, such as hadith scholars and also verses of the quran. Moreover, it has received a series of inputs from literary sources in the form of books and also writings of Islamic committees, which we have reviewed to obtain answers to the research questions. The data were processed through data review system to verify, code, interpret and summarize the results to obtain accurate data and high validity. Based on the data, we can convey that the obligation to wear the hijab is legally obligatory following the hadith which states that women should wear their headscarves all over their bodies. In closing, women are required to cover their private parts, which means Muslim women must wear clothes that cover their bodies from heads to toes except for their faces and palms; and if this is violated, they will receive sanction.


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How to Cite

Acim, S. A. (2023). Interpretation of the commandment to women’s hijab authorize according to the Quran, Al Hadith and Ahlussunnah Waljamaah Ulama. International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 51-60.