Pastoral guidance for divorced couples in GMIM Zaitun Motoling Church



counseling, divorce, marriage, pastoral guidance


Understanding love as a gift from the divine power, feeling the sensation of being in love, one desires to possess their beloved. If likened, it feels like the world belongs only to the two. This metaphor holds when the person we love also loves us in return. The commitment to marriage and building a family emerges from this feeling of love. In essence, marriage is the union of two individuals, only to be separated by death. It is love that sustains a marriage. However, some marriages fail to endure and result in divorce. In truth, no one desires a divorce, especially when the marriage is built upon love. Far from anyone's hope, a household may break apart. Divorce undoubtedly impacts the divorcing couple, the children affected, their families, and the church/community. The church has indeed provided guidance for couples before marriage and even support for families facing issues to prevent divorce. However, there needs to be more pastoral guidance for divorced couples post-divorce. This study examines how pastoral guidance can be offered to divorced couples to mitigate the effects on those in pre-divorce or post-divorce situations.


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How to Cite

Jacob, Y. K. (2023). Pastoral guidance for divorced couples in GMIM Zaitun Motoling Church. International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3), 173-179.