A new dawn for education

Strategies for sustainable funding in Nigeria




a new dawn, challenges, education, strategies, sustainable funding


The paper examines Nigeria's complex educational system, with a particular emphasis on methods for ensuring long-term funding and high standards of instruction. Nigeria, a country full of potential and promise, faces many obstacles that have impeded its advancement in education. The abstract provides a succinct overview of the main ideas and suggestions covered in the paper. Budgetary restrictions, poor infrastructure, a lack of teachers, regional differences, and gender inequality are some of the issues that Nigeria's education system must deal with. A comprehensive strategy is suggested to get beyond these obstacles and start down the path to change. The paper provides ideas for long-term financing, such as creative fundraising campaigns, public-private partnerships, and cross-border cooperation. It highlights how important policy changes are for effectively allocating resources, improving teacher preparation, and promoting transparency.


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How to Cite

Obioma, N. C. (2023). A new dawn for education: Strategies for sustainable funding in Nigeria. International Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 229-235. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijss.v6n4.2218