Influence of teaching updates on the effectiveness of the learning process in basic general education


  • Lisbeth Carolina Cedeño-Rivadeneira Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Jorge Luis Mendoza-Loor Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Ecuador


basic education, knowledge, learning process, teacher, teaching update


The Influence of teacher updating on the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process in Basic General Education in the City of Chone aims to improve how educators teach in basic education, to increase the effectiveness of the process of Learning. This is achieved through the acquisition of new skills and knowledge by the teacher, allowing him to teach classes more effectively, the lack of opportunities to participate in pedagogical seminars and workshops can result in limited knowledge of the subject content and, consequently, in the difficulty of generating significant learning. The importance of the teacher choosing and using innovative methodologies to address this situation is highlighted. The methodological approach of the study will be mixed, which means that it will combine quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Techniques were used descriptive-correlational such as interviews with teachers and surveys with students, the sample applied was 10 teachers and 50 EGB students, reaching the following conclusions: It is highlighted that teachers are aware of the importance of staying updated in their profession, however, despite this awareness, it is mentioned that some teachers do not give it enough importance. 


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How to Cite

Cedeño-Rivadeneira, L. C., & Mendoza-Loor, J. L. (2024). Influence of teaching updates on the effectiveness of the learning process in basic general education. International Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 9-18.