Decentralization and its impact on improving public services



accountability, decentralization, effectiveness, local capacity, public services


Decentralization is the process of transferring decision-making power, authority and responsibility from the central government to regional governments or local entities. The process aims to bring government closer to the people, with the hope of improving the efficiency, accountability and responsiveness of public services to the specific needs of local communities. Decentralization is often regarded as a strategy to optimize resources, strengthen local democracy, and encourage active community participation in the policy-making process and its implementation. This study uses the literature research method. The results show that decentralization tends to improve the effectiveness and relevance of public services by empowering local governments to manage the specific needs of local communities. It creates a platform for wider public participation and increased government accountability and transparency. However, the findings also confirm that the negative elements of decentralization cannot be ignored. In particular, decentralization can result in inequalities in services between regions due to differences in resources, as well as pose policy coordination challenges. Lack of local capacity and the potential for increased corruption are significant obstacles to optimizing the benefits of decentralization.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, A. H. H. (2024). Decentralization and its impact on improving public services. International Journal of Social Sciences, 7(2), 45-53.