Feminism study on marginalized women in the effort of empowerment


  • Siti Norma Nasution English Literary Studies Program, Faculty of Cultural Science, University of North Sumatera


Feminism, Independent, Marginalized, Empowerment, North Sumatra


This study was conducted to address the problems faced by groups of women in the domestic and public sphere. This research was completed in several villages in two regencies of North Sumatra, i.e. Langkat and Serdang Bedagai. Focus Group Discussion, in-depth interviews, and documentation by recording and writing methods were applied to obtain the data. The result was expected to become a reference for the empowerment of women, socially and economically and it will be a valuable asset to the nation in the development of Indonesia. The theory used was the theory of social culture and feminism. The method used was a qualitative, descriptive and hermeneutic interpretation. Then the data were being analyzed with the circle to get a full understanding. The research team got some information from the women's groups that they received financial assistance and workshops and the training of non-governmental organizations. They were given training in farming, small trade, and home industries. They also received training to manage the credit union which can be a solution to the problem of capital in the public sector. To solve the problem in the domestic domain the women acquired counseling on gender equality of non-governmental organizations for both the husband and the wife on same-gender issues and the result was a significant change in family life, the condition produces communications that are more democratic now.


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How to Cite

Nasution, S. N. (2016). Feminism study on marginalized women in the effort of empowerment. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(3), 144–150. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/ijllc/article/view/126



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