Spirit of nationalism, education and moral religion

nation character building portrayed in Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk written by Willem Iskander




character building, education, moral religion, nationalism, preservation of culture


This paper is written based on the research entitled “Semangat Kebangsaan, Pendidikan Dan Moral Agama Yang Membangun Karakter Bangsa Dalam Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk Karya Willem Iskander” (The Spirit of Nationalism, Education and Moral Religion as Nation Character Building Which Portrayed in Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk Written By Willem Iskander). There are two problems have been analyzed, the first one is to expose the ideas contained in the poems. The second problem is the analyses of an idea have influenced the development of social and economic welfare of the society. The special purpose of this research is to anticipate the negative impact of global chaos for the young generation. They are expected not to be uprooted from their tradition and culture. Local wisdom as a part of the philosophy of life should be preserved as our national asset for our better future. There are at least thirty persons have been interviewed. They are the local leaders for religion, education, and social activities. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data are collected by using the recorded technique, documentation of photos. The theory used hermeneutic, sociology of literature and the theory of culture.


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How to Cite

Nasution, S. N. (2018). Spirit of nationalism, education and moral religion: nation character building portrayed in Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk written by Willem Iskander. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 5(1), 24–31. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijllc.v5n1.478



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