The factors which faded the implementation of traditional wedding ceremony and death ceremony in mandailing ethnic society in medan and in their hometown

Muarasoma regency, Madina


  • Siti Norma Nasution English Literary Studies Program, Faculty of Cultural Science, University of North Sumatera


Faded, The Factors, Ethnic Society, Death Ceremony, Traditional Wedding Ceremony


Based on the topic and the problems of the research, the writer focussed on the analyses of the factors which might fade the implementation of a traditional wedding ceremony in Medan and in Muarasoma, Batang Natal Regency in South Tapanuli. The data were collected by using the method of direct and open interview. Qualitative method is used to explain and describe the data in the form of statements ideas and thoughts which will be analyzed by using the theory of culture and local wisdom. There are about twenty informants from both places. They might represent traditional/local leaders in their society. They expressed their ideas and thoughts about the implementation of the traditional wedding ceremony. It could be seen from the analyses that the implementation of a traditional wedding ceremony in Medan was decreasing due to the large sum of money and time spent for the wedding ceremony. In Muarasoma, it needed three days and nights to conduct the ceremony because it had a long process to be done. Beginning with the invitation, discussion among the leading persons, slaughtering the bull, performing of Gerdang Sembilan, traditional dancing, giving advice and clan name for the bride and so on. In Medan, people only spend one day to make the wedding ceremony, it is so simple and efficient. Anyhow, all informants hope that Mandailing people will hold their tradition and culture strongly in the future.


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How to Cite

Nasution, S. N. (2016). The factors which faded the implementation of traditional wedding ceremony and death ceremony in mandailing ethnic society in medan and in their hometown: Muarasoma regency, Madina. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(4), 172–180. Retrieved from



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