Basic materials of literature genre text in Sasak language

The utilization as teaching materials for local content of Sasak language


  • Khairul Paridi Mataram University, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Sudika Mataram University, Indonesia
  • Syahbuddin Mataram University, Indonesia
  • Murahim Mataram University, Indonesia
  • Ratna Yulida Ashriany Mataram University, Indonesia


basic materials, literary genre, local content, Sasak language, teaching materials


Teaching materials about literature in the 2013 Curriculum should be text-based, but after careful discussion of the material in the curriculum and Sasak language textbooks in primary and secondary education, the emphasis is more on the value of beauty and character of story characters. In addition, teaching materials about the text of the Sasak literary genre are presented in Indonesian, not in Sasak; the amount of literature both in the form of fiction and poetry and others is still very limited. The limited material about literary genre texts has the consequence that learning about literary texts does not receive adequate attention. Based on these problems, this paper aims to discuss the text of the genre of folk literature in the Sasak language in terms of text structure, linguistic tools, and community values contained in it. Learning based on literary genre texts will support language skills and can help children understand the value and beauty of Sasak literature. The results of the study of literary genre texts are expected to help teachers prepare teaching materials for local content in the Sasak language.


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How to Cite

Paridi, K., Sudika, I. N., Syahbuddin, S., Murahim, M., & Ashriany, R. Y. (2022). Basic materials of literature genre text in Sasak language: The utilization as teaching materials for local content of Sasak language. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 8(2), 51–60.



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