Reading comprehension in the development of communication skills in high school students


  • Esperanza Mariela Figueroa-Macias Foreign Languages & Applied Linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), China
  • Carmen Dolores Andrade-Zambrano Translation, Rhetoric & CDA, School of Foreign Languages, Fuzhou University, China


cognitive skills, communicative, competences, reading comprehension, reading


The objective of the research was study reading comprehension in the development of communicative skills, to respond to the lack of attention and concentration in reading in high school students, a situation for which students present difficulties when reading or interpreting what they read causing a loss in the comprehension of texts and poor communication. The methodology used was through the quantitative method applying different techniques such as: induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, and statistics, where a survey was applied to a population of 1644, including parents, managers, teachers, students, staff administrative and service. It was obtained as a result that a good understanding and development of communicative skills improves learning and develops the obtaining of general ideas of a text, distinguishing main ideas, critically evaluating a text and finally developing cognitive skills.


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How to Cite

Figueroa-Macias, E. M., & Andrade-Zambrano, C. D. (2022). Reading comprehension in the development of communication skills in high school students. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 8(4), 175–182.



Research Articles