The analyses of factors influencing farmer motivation at cacao farming in North Lombok


  • Elita Maydasari Postgraduate Program in Management of Dryland Resources – University of Mataram, Indonesia


cocoa, farmers’ motivation, farming, levels of production, north lombok


The purpose of this study was to: (1). Knowing the level of production and the factors that influence the motivation of farmers in the farming of cocoa (Theobroma cacao. L) in North Lombok Regency. (2). Knowing the relationship between the factors that influence the motivation of farmers in the farming of cocoa (Theobroma cacao. L) in North Lombok Regency. (3). Knowing the constraints faced by cocoa farmers in farming in North Lombok Regency. This research uses the descriptive method with survey techniques. The unit of analysis in this study is a cocoa farm in North Lombok Regency. While the analysis is Logistic Regression and Spearman Rank Correlation. The results showed that the level of cocoa production in the year 2014 for all Sub-District in North Lombok regency as follows: District Winning as much as 25736.65 tons, District of Tanjung many as 79 920 tons, District Ganges as much as 358 596 tonnes, District Kayangan as much as 141 152 tonnes and the District Bayan as much as 19528.25 tons.


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How to Cite

Maydasari, E. (2016). The analyses of factors influencing farmer motivation at cacao farming in North Lombok. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research, 2(9), 18–25. Retrieved from



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