Identification and public acceptance on the implementation program of acceleration of local resource based diversification of food consumption (P2KP-BSL) in Mataram


  • Cahya Sulistyaningsih Technical Assistant Unit Of Opened-Social Institution - Class Iib Mataram, Tojong-Ojong Street - Batukliang District - Central Lombok


consumption diversity, local food, mataram, P2KP-BSL, program


Program of acceleration of local resource-based diversification of food consumption (P2KP - BSL) has nationally implemented as the initial stage for program socialization since 2009 and simultaneously implemented in 2011. This is a descriptive study. Districts of Sekarbela, Selaparang, and Ampenan were selected as the research focused-areas considering that the three districts have already implemented three sub-programs of P2KP – BSL that is; a) Sub-program of Optimizing Courtyard Utilization, b) Sub-program of Food Processing, c) Sub-program of Consumption Campaigns of Diverse Food, Balanced Nutrition, and Safe for School Children. Finding of the study in Mataram town shows that there are seven planned sub-programs of P2KP – BSL; however, due to the limited fund, there only three sub-programs; sub-program of Optimizing Courtyard Utilization, sub-program of Food Processing, and sub-program of Consumption Campaigns of Diverse Food, Balanced Nutrition, and Safe for School Children have been realized.


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How to Cite

Sulistyaningsih, C. (2016). Identification and public acceptance on the implementation program of acceleration of local resource based diversification of food consumption (P2KP-BSL) in Mataram. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 2(9), 26–36. Retrieved from



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