Length plastron correlation towards ridley turtles long flipper that given lemuru and seaweed feeds


  • I Ketut Sukada Animal Husbandry Statistics Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, the University of Udayana, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Tirta Ariana Animal Husbandry Statistics Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, the University of Udayana, Indonesia
  • I Gede Suarta Animal Husbandry Statistics Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, the University of Udayana, Indonesia


flippers, lemuru, plastron, ridley turtle, seaweed


A turtle security that was released their habitat in conserving, it was determined by their speed and agility to swimming and diving at avoiding predators even chasing prey to be eaten. The most an important part of turtle organs for agile swimming and diving was a flipper. Flippers forward more function as paddles when swimming and diving while the rear flippers serve as a rudder to steer the direction of movement of swimming and diving. The front flippers are unlike paddle when swimming and diving, whereas, the back flippers as a rudder at direction when swimming and diving. At front flippers, there was belong strong nails for ripping or tearing their prey, therefore, it was easy eaten. The study was intended to know a feeding effect of lemuru and seaweed on different percentage towards length plastron correlation to in front length flippers both.


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How to Cite

Sukada, I. K., Ariana, I. N. T., & Suarta, I. G. (2016). Length plastron correlation towards ridley turtles long flipper that given lemuru and seaweed feeds. International Research Journal of Engineering, IT & Scientific Research, 2(9), 44–50. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/irjeis/article/view/512



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