The influence of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) on the financial performance of banking companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI)


  • Lina Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
  • Mohamad Adam Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
  • Marlina Widiyanti Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
  • Isnurhadi Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia


Environmental, ESG, Governance, ROA, Social


The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence of the, Environmental Social And Governance (ESG) on the Banking Company firm's performance listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, the research samples obtained totaled 9 companies with a research period from 2019-2022 so that there were 36 units of analysis. The research design was quantitative descriptive. The analysis technique in this research is multiple regression analysis method. The results showed that Environmental has a significant positive effect, Governance and Social has no significant effect on firm's performance. The implication of this research is that companies must pay attention to that Environmental Social And Governance and those that can affect profitabilty so that company performance can increase.


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How to Cite

Lina, L., Adam, M., Widiyanti, M., & Isnurhadi, I. (2024). The influence of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) on the financial performance of banking companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI). International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 7(2), 112-118.

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