Hindu identity maintenance of mixture marriage in DKI Jakarta
culture, family, marriage, religion, societyAbstract
In a pluralistic society like Jakarta, it is very possible for marriages with religious backgrounds to occur. Marriage with two different religions is very unlikely because the law requires that the marriage be carried out in one religion. Hindus generally adhere to the patrilineal principle in the sense that the man is the head of the family. If there is an interfaith marriage, the wife must follow the husband's Hindu religion. However, it often happens that if there are marriages with different religious backgrounds, many Hindu men in DKI follow the religion of their wives. This causes the number of Hindu families to decrease. The results of the study show that a postmodern society like Jakarta often does not follow their religious norms, religion is seen as an obstacle to their freedom. Another factor of the weak maintenance of Hindu identity in husbands who engage in mixed marriages is the weak understanding of religion so that they easily convert to the religion of their wives.
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