The relationship between the leadership behavioral factors and the work motivation to the teacher performance in SMK Negeri 3 Manado


  • Rieneke R. Kalalo Lecturer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Indonesian Christian University in Tomohon
  • Jola Silvana Kalangi Lecturer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Indonesian Christian University in Tomohon
  • Lenda Lumentah Lecturer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Indonesian Christian University in Tomohon
  • Elsje Lintong Lecturer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Indonesian Christian University in Tomohon


quality teachers, teacher leadership, teacher performance, work motivation


Teacher leadership in school is increasingly being demanded to be able to improve the quality of teachers. It is required to do the analysis of the leadership behaviors toward teacher performance, the relationship between work motivation and teacher performance as well as the relationship between Leadership Behavior and Work Motivation towards Teacher Performance. This research is based on a qualitative approach.  In this study, the research sample is all members of the population unit totaling 13 people. The data collected was using a questionnaire instrument. The collected data of the researchable variable was analyzed by using the correlation technique of Product Moment and Double Correlation. The result of the research states that there was a relationship between leadership behavior and teacher performance in SMK Negeri 3 Manado, which was furthermore found as the relationship between work motivation and teacher performance as well as the relationship between leadership behavior and work motivation aligned with the teacher performance. In sum, the leader must apply behavioral leadership that builds school organization and motivation for teacher performance in their work environment. The teacher's performance on motivation needs to get improved, encouraged, and facilitated so that it will increase the professional performance of the teachers. 


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How to Cite

Kalalo, R. R., Kalangi, J. S., Lumentah, L., & Lintong, . E. (2022). The relationship between the leadership behavioral factors and the work motivation to the teacher performance in SMK Negeri 3 Manado. International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(3), 249-255.