Implementation of government regulation no. 53/2010 about civil state employees discipline in general and equipment of regional secretariat Halmahera


  • Abdulhalil Hi. Ibrahim Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku, Indonesia
  • Syofyan Saraha Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku, Indonesia
  • Abdurahman Kader Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku, Indonesia
  • Mikael Iriyanto Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku, Indonesia
  • Rasid Pora Muhammadiyah University of North Maluku, Indonesia


civil servants, discipline implementation, discipline knowledge, government regulation, socialization activities


This study aimed to determine the implementation of Government Regulation no. 53 of 2010 on the Civil Servant Discipline I Division of General and Secretariat Supplies DaerahKabupaten West Halmahera. The results show that the implementation of Government Regulation No. 53/2010 in the general and equipment section has been running quite well, but some violate these rules. There are 5 violations of employee discipline towards working time efficiency in the general and equipment section, provided that 3 people are given light sanctions, and 2 people are given moderate sanctions. After a more accurate analysis was carried out, it turned out that several factors caused the violation, namely the lack of (1) communication, (2) resources, (3) disposition (attitude of the executor), and (4) bureaucratic structure. Communication between colleagues, both superiors and subordinates, is minimal, resulting in minimal human resources and work discipline knowledge in general and equipment. Besides, implementers or stakeholders' attitude towards the disposition of socialization activities regarding the implementation of work discipline for Civil Servants is not followed up.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, A. H., Saraha, S., Kader, A., Iriyanto, M., & Pora, R. (2020). Implementation of government regulation no. 53/2010 about civil state employees discipline in general and equipment of regional secretariat Halmahera. International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 127-135.