The reconstruction of protolanguage Muna and Kambowa



Muna, Historical, Kambowa, Protolanguage, Reconstruction


This article is the result of research that talks about language Muna and language Kambowa in the study of historical linguistics. This article has been shown in an international seminar in Padang with the theme of Language and civilization. But the text only contains a quantitative approach three languages: the language Muna, language Kambowa, and language Busoa. The article will be devoted to the qualitative approach and reconstruction of proto-phonemes and proto-words in two languages, the Muna language, and the kambowa language. This is done in order to find appropriate and accurate reconstruction. Data sought a more complete by adding data derived from previous writings. Muna language is the language used by the people in the district Muna   and Kambowa language is the language used by the people in the north Buton regency. The two districts in the province of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research is done in the hope that the status of these two languages can be clearer. This is due to that during this time there is some presumption that both of these is the same language that sets it apart is the dialect. Using the approach synchronic comparative and diachronic comparative and with lexicostatistics method for quantitative data found that the percentage of both languages is 52%. based on the results of the analysis can be found that the Proto-Austronesian language reflected in muna and kambowa as proto-language Muna Kambowa as a proof unifying group is  apacope, syncope, Metathesis, Split.


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How to Cite

Ino, L. (2016). The reconstruction of protolanguage Muna and Kambowa. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(3), 151–168. Retrieved from



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