Maxims of politeness in Cia Cia language


  • La Yani Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and faculty of Humanities, Halu University
  • La Ino Faculty of Teacher Training and Education and faculty of Humanities, Halu University


Maxim, Wisdom, Humility, Generosity, Compliment, Maxim Politeness Cia Cia


This article is part of the research in language Ciacia. Language Ciacia as one of the local languages in Southeast Sulawesi, especially in Buton has equal status to the languages of other regions in Indonesia results showed that in the language of Ciacia are implementing maxim namely (1) maxim of wisdom or maxims adhili (2) generosity maxim or maxims minculungi (3) maxim praise or maxim kapuji (4) maxim sukughu humility or (5) an agreement or maxim pohokolo (6) sympathy maxim or maxims Konami.


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How to Cite

Yani, L., & Ino, L. (2016). Maxims of politeness in Cia Cia language. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(4), 140–149. Retrieved from



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