Medical waste and its management at wangaya hospital in Denpasar


  • I Nengah Muliarta Concentration of Water and Soil Conservation, Agricultural Science Studies Program, Doctorate in Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia


Heavy metal, Incinerator, Management, Medical waste procedure, Medical waste


Medical waste has three forms; solid, liquid and gas which derives from hospital activities which contain microorganism, chemical material, and radioactive substances. Based on the description above, this research was necessary to be conducted to handle the negative impact of medical waste on the environment. The research objectives were 1) in order to know the medical waste management system of Wangaya Hospital in Denpasar, and 2) studying more about the medical waste quality of Wangaya Hospital in Denpasar. The research was a case study in using a method that was designed by combining the observation data with the laboratory data analyses. The research location was in Denpasar of Wangaya Hospital (B type) regarding on the high occupancy rate of the patient as compared to another hospital (B type) in Bali. The research results were to show that 1) the medical waste management of Wangaya Hospital in Denpasar was suitable yet to meet the procedure of medical waste from Decree of Minister of health No.1204 in 2004, regarding Health Condition of Environmental Hospital. The laboratory results show that the medical waste quality in Denpasar Wangaya Hospital was above the maximum of standard limit based on Decree of Minister No. 58/MENLH/12/2004. The ashes of incinerated medical waste contained a Hg heavy metal until 2,39 ppm. Based on the research results it was concluded that the management system of medical waste in Denpasar Wangaya Hospital was suitable yet with the procedure, and the medical waste quality of outputs that was released into the environment still exceeding the maximum standard limit. Therefore, it is recommended that Denpasar Wangaya Hospital should undertake the evaluation in the management system of the medical waste and its treatment plan to reduce the effluent in its output products in order to comply with the standard limit.


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KUSMINARNO, K. (1989). studi perbandingan penetapan kadar antazolini hydrochloridum dan naphazolini nitras dalam campuran obat tetes hidung dengan metode spektrofotometrik berdasarkan cara perbandingan serapan dan cara grafik (doctoral dissertation, universitas airlangga).

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Moersidik, S. S., Arifin, R. S., Soesilo, E. T. B., Hartono, D. M., & Latief, Y. (2015). Project portfolio management to increase PDAM Tirtawening’s service coverage area. Water Resources Management VIII, 196, 65.

Nainggolan. (1998). Penelitian Masalah Sampah Medis di Beberapa Rumah Sakit Kelas C (dan setara) di Jabotabek.

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Subagiarta. (2004). Dampak Bensin Tanpa Timbal (Pb) Terhadap Kualitas Udara Kota Denpasar (tesis). Denpasar. Universitas Udayana.

Suhendrayatna. (2001). Bioremoval Logam Berat dengan Menggunakan Microorganisme: Suatu Kajian Kepustakaan. Institute for Science and Technology Studies (ISTECS)-Chapter Japan, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University. Jakarta; 1-14 Februari 2001.

Sukendar. (2005). Ancaman Logam Maut dari Jalanan.

Wibowo, S. S., & Olszewski, P. (2005). Modeling walking accessibility to public transport terminals: case study of Singapore mass rapid transit. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 147-156.

Wijanto, S. E. (2005). Limbah B3 dan kesehatan. Makalah On Air Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.

Wisaksono, S. (2001). Karakteristik Limbah Rumah Sakit dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesehatan dan Lingkungan. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, (130l), 58-61.

Wisnu, A. W. (2001). Dampak Pencemaran Lingkungan (Edisi Revisi). Penerbit Andi Yogyakarta.

Yong, Z., Gang, X., Guanxing, W., Tao, Z., & Dawei, J. (2009). Medical waste management in China: a case study of Nanjing. Waste management, 29(4), 1376-1382.



How to Cite

Muliarta, I. N. (2016). Medical waste and its management at wangaya hospital in Denpasar. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 3(5), 94–102. Retrieved from



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