Identification of economic management best practices to improve national financial development for developing countries


  • Bayu Prabowo Sutjiatmo Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Aji Kresno Murti Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Anung Widodo Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Sani Kurniawan Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Titin Endrawati Politeknik APP Jakarta, Indonesia


best practices, developing countries, economic management, national financial development


This study aimed to obtain scientific evidence by identifying the best economic governance practices to improve national economies in developing countries. To complete this project, we reviewed several publications in the form of books and scientific journals that we obtained electronically by searching with keywords such as economic development, national financial improvement, and developing countries. What we have done under a phenomenological approach, such as concluding to get the highest findings after discussing and looking for validity, we can finally conclude that there are several best practices that we have found, including if the country wants to develop the economy, the first thing is to identify education and skills to his people, the role in the ITC of citizen, the provision of infrastructure, capital market investment, funding for MSMEs, skills strengthening, and citizen education. Thus the results of this work become insights finding in the improvement of future studies.


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How to Cite

Sutjiatmo, B. P., Murti, A. K., Widodo, A., Kurniawan, M. S., & Endrawati, T. (2022). Identification of economic management best practices to improve national financial development for developing countries. International Journal of Business, Economics & Management, 5(4), 316-327.