The declaration content in law of electronic transaction information on online prostitution: in the review of the legal sociology view



electronic transaction, institutional content, legal sociology, online prostitution


In the legal context that lives in the community, prostitution is a despicable activity, an activity that violates the norm, and is inappropriate activity. Therefore, this activity is not only against humans but also against human dignity. Criminal Code Bill. According to the Criminal Code Bill, prostitution is a despicable activity, not only by those who take advantage but also whoever is involved in this activity. The Criminal Code Bill also pays attention to the laws that live in the community, so taking action relating to the values that live in the community is classified as unlawful acts. Thus in the opinion of the Panel of Judges, "Everyone" has been fulfilled and valid; Ad.2. Element Intentionally and without rights. Intentionally here can be transferred as intentional in all forms following the science of law, i.e. intentionally done because it is desired/ supported by the authorities (opzet met zekerheidsbewutzjin), intentionally related or realized the purpose/results to be carried out/results (opzet met noodzakelijkheidsbewustzijn) and/or deliberately published, that is by calculating the goals or results achieved/intended to be truly approved or unsuccessful (opzet meets mogenlijkheidsbewustzjin).


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How to Cite

Manullang, S. O. (2020). The declaration content in law of electronic transaction information on online prostitution: in the review of the legal sociology view. International Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 62-70.