The effects of blended learning to students’ speaking ability

A study of utilizing technology to strengthen the conventional instruction


  • Gede Ginaya Tourism Department, State Polytechnic of Bali, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Mei Rejeki Tourism Department, State Polytechnic of Bali, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ni Nyoman Sri Astuti Tourism Department, State Polytechnic of Bali, Denpasar, Indonesia


Speaking Ability, Blended Learning, Conventional Teaching


This paper describes a structured attempt to investigate the effect of blended learning through the application of WebQuest project tasks embedded in a modified conventional teaching model to students’ speaking ability in a vocational college. Participants were 51 (27 males and 24 females) third-semester students enrolled in a three-year diploma program in Tourism and Travel Business at one public higher education institution in Bali. Data was collected through the procedure of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Results from the pretest-posttest control group design were evaluated by paired t-tests and a mixed design ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) in order to identify any statistically significant improvements following the intervention. Meanwhile, qualitative data was analyzed based on the whole observation of the action and the result of the questionnaires. Findings revealed that the students participating in the treatment were significantly improved in terms of English speaking ability, and the improvement was also supported by their increased learning motivation and interest. Suggestions for successful online WebQuest-integrated instruction are provided.


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How to Cite

Ginaya, G., Rejeki, I. N. M., & Astuti, N. N. S. (2018). The effects of blended learning to students’ speaking ability: A study of utilizing technology to strengthen the conventional instruction. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(3), 1–14. Retrieved from



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