Identification of national hrm policy and job market demand: critical review of scientific publication


  • A. M. Dadang Institut Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik Yapis Biak, Indonesia
  • Asmadianto Institut Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik Yapis Biak, Indonesia
  • Sukowati Mudji Rahayu Institut Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik Yapis Biak, Indonesia


critical analysis, government policy, labor market needs, sustainable HRM


This review study obtains much literature through a systemic search of data and information that covers the two variables above. The preparation and planning of human resources is a process that has been carried out systematically to improve human resources as the main asset worthy of being unemployable. On average, we find that this HR management is urgent to ensure the suitability between human resources and work, both in terms of quantity and quality that users are interested in, the study says. The study concludes that the preparation and Planning of Human Resources is a Process.


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How to Cite

Dadang, A. M., Asmadianto, A., & Rahayu, S. M. (2021). Identification of national hrm policy and job market demand: critical review of scientific publication. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 8(3), 286–295.



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