The influence of knowledge and attitude as consumer behavior on product purchase interest on lazada e-commerce
attitude, buying interest, consumer behavior, e-commerce, knowledgeAbstract
This research was conducted to determine the effect of knowledge and attitudes as consumer behavior on product purchase intention on Lazada e-commerce. The population in this study are all consumers who are all people who will make purchases at e-commerce Lazada in 2021. The sample in this study using the Lemeshow formula shows as many as 100 respondents in the fishing mania community in South Sumatra with the sampling technique in this study and using a non-probability sampling method. The results of the multiple linear analysis show that knowledge as consumer behavior has a positive and significant effect on product buying interest on Lazada e-commerce. Attitudes as consumer behavior have a positive and significant effect on product buying interest in Lazada e-commerce. In the knowledge variable, Lazada needs to fix it in the form of a direct warning to the seller, who is considered problematic in presenting the information. In addition, the consumer attitude variable shows that they are not completely satisfied with the information on the products sold on Lazada. Therefore, Lazada must be even more active in supervising the products that resellers will sell.
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