Relationship between competitive intelligence and competitive advantage in manufacturing industry


  • Owonye Benedicta Department of Accounting, Banking and Finance, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


businessman, competitive advantage, competitive intelligence, manufacturing industry, relationship


The business environment of today is complex and dynamic due to increasing global competition. The businessman needs to master and know all the information that has strategic value, and Competitive Intelligence is positioned as the most appropriate tool to achieve this goal. Strategic and innovative intelligence were the objectives for this study using a survey. In recent decades, research and publications related to Competitive Intelligence have been increasing, although the military heritage of this field of research and the association with large corporations has meant that the literature is still at an early phase of development and specialization. Competitive Intelligence is closely linked to innovation processes in companies, facilitating its development. Furthermore, it highlights the importance that business management, together with the promotion of absorptive capacity and alignment around Competitive Intelligence will allow companies to improve their competitive advantages, as well as greater success with new products. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used in the analysis. A sample size of 153 was determined using Kotari’s formula.  Little research was found on aspects related to small and medium-sized enterprises and patents in relation to Competitive Intelligence.


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How to Cite

Benedicta, O. (2021). Relationship between competitive intelligence and competitive advantage in manufacturing industry. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 8(5), 342–351.



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