Cultivating aren trees with environmental insight

Preparing rural communities that have quality especially for aren tree farmers in motoling village



Aren tree, employability, environment, farmers, rural communities


Seho or aren trees can produce many benefits for human needs, so it takes the right way to know exactly how to manage seho or aren trees properly and correctly. Seho or aren trees grow a lot in mountainous areas, especially in motoring villages. Almost all residents in the motoring village have gardens in which there are several seho trees. The community in the motoring village manages this seho tree because it produces "captikus" alcohol and aren sugar "brown sugar". The farmers in the motoring village make this the main cash flow for them. Managing seho or aren trees with environmental insight means taking into account the determining factors that exist in the environment to be managed and maintained properly. For example, paying attention to the land that will be used as a place for planting seho trees, paying attention to how to take care of seho trees, and the benefits for humans. This will prepare the seho or aren tree farmers to have employability.


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How to Cite

Jacob, Y. K. (2021). Cultivating aren trees with environmental insight: Preparing rural communities that have quality especially for aren tree farmers in motoling village. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 8(6), 613–618.



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