Work culture of the government of Teluk Ambon district in providing administrative services to the community in the era of COVID-19



administrative services, COVID-19, government, pattern change, work culture


This study aims to determine the work culture of the sub-district government in providing administrative services to the community in the Covid-19 era. The research method is a direct qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and interviews. The study results show a fundamental service change in 2020, namely the pattern of routine and usual ways of working that are very different felt by the people who will provide services at the Teluk Ambon District Office. Changes in bureaucratic work procedures are caused by the public's complying with the health protocol and maintaining a sitting position, which is one meter while providing services at the Teluk Ambon sub-district office.


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How to Cite

Chaniago, W. F. (2021). Work culture of the government of Teluk Ambon district in providing administrative services to the community in the era of COVID-19. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 8(6), 661–668.



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