Effective planning strategies and the delivery of strategic values in business organisations



  • Obieze Ewere Success Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


effective planning, employees' performance, organizational objective, productivity, sterling bank


The research study takes a look at the impact of effective Planning on Organizational Productivity using Sterling bank Nigeria Plc as a case study.  However, the research study makes use of primary data of questionnaire analysis and the estimation technique adopted in the study is spearman's rank correlation coefficient the objectives of the study are to determine the relationship between effective planning and organizational productivity and to also to examine whether effective Planning leads to employee's performance in an organization.  Moreover, two hypotheses were tested using spearman's rank correlation coefficient and the results revealed that effective planning has a relationship with organizational productivity and that effective planning leads to employee performance in an organization.  Therefore, the study concludes and recommends that managers' time and attention is that of improving productivity in Sterling bank is very important for both survival and maintenance of profit margins in the bank, therefore the bank should measure productivity on how well resources are combined and utilized;p[p[;[-ploaccomplish specific desirable results to be able to achieve its objectives on organizational need,  articulate its strategies and carefully pursue them. Keywords:  Effective Planning, Productivity, Sterling bank, Employees' Performance, Organizational Objective.


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How to Cite

Success, O. E. (2022). Effective planning strategies and the delivery of strategic values in business organisations. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 9(4), 538–548. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjmis.v9n4.2113



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