Management control attributes and the organizational performance

A qualitative review


  • Morka Ogor Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria
  • Igemovia Fidelia Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria


budget controls, management control, marketing controls, organizational performance, relationship


This qualitative review is on management control attributes and organisational performance; the study tried to determine how much financial control, budget control and marketing control affect organisational performance. Theoretical foundations were established, and extant literature drew to uphold or invalidate these positions. Qualitative literature established a significant relationship between the objectives and corporate performance values. Recommendations and conclusions were drawn accordingly from the ranks set.


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How to Cite

Ogor, M., & Fidelia, I. (2022). Management control attributes and the organizational performance: A qualitative review. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 9(4), 524–537.



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