Social reality in communication in rural areas


  • Yandry Javier Peñarrieta-Muñoz Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Sabina Eroina Moreira-Morales Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Ulfrido Siffrido Candela-Muñoz Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Mirla Katherine Alcívar-Moreira Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Yenny Alexandra Zambrano-Villegas Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Ecuador


communication, conduct, family-school relationship, interaction, social reality


Social reality is the construction that arises from the interaction of individuals in a specific context, many students from rural areas operate in environments that can affect their integral development, a situation where emphasis is placed on promoting communication as a support element. The objective of the study is to determine the relationship between social reality and communication in rural areas. The methodology is mixed, integrated by qualitative and quantitative methods. The technique used was the student survey and documentary analysis. The study population was made up of 105 high school students from the Dr. Carlos Romo Educational Unit. The results reflect that in the rural area there are risk factors that can affect the learning and integrity of the students. It is concluded in the importance of communication between school and family to face these situations.


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How to Cite

Peñarrieta-Muñoz, Y. J., Moreira-Morales, S. E., Candela-Muñoz, U. S., Alcívar-Moreira, M. K., & Zambrano-Villegas, Y. A. (2023). Social reality in communication in rural areas. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 10(3), 161–167.



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