Autonomy and responsibility

Proposed solutions to enhance financial management in Vietnamese Public Universities



accountability, autonomous universities, financial management, quality education, sustainable development


This article presents solutions aimed at enhancing financial management in autonomous and accountable public universities in Vietnam. The study highlights the significance of autonomy and accountability in financial management to promote sustainable development and improve the quality of education. The proposed solutions encompass various aspects, including improving budgeting and financial planning, strengthening revenue management, enhancing expenditure management and rational utilization, reinforcing accounting, auditing, and oversight processes, and enhancing internal expenditure regulations. The research aims to provide practical recommendations that can be implemented to enhance financial governance in Vietnamese public universities, ultimately contributing to their long-term success and the advancement of education in the country.


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How to Cite

Hong, L. T. T. (2023). Autonomy and responsibility: Proposed solutions to enhance financial management in Vietnamese Public Universities. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 10(3), 176–188.



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