Ideology in tempo magazine advertising: a critical discussion analysis


  • Muhamad Maimun Mataram University, Indonesia
  • Halus Mandala Mataram University, Indonesia
  • - Arifuddin Mataram University, Indonesia


Advertising, Critical, Discourse structure, Ideology, Tempo magazine advertising


This research was conducted to describe and analyze the ideology and the structure of the text of advertising discourse in Tempo magazine which is in tone with Van Dijk's theory in the form of three structures (1) macro analysis, (2) superstructure, and (3) microanalysis. In this study, the analysis model used was the Van Dijk model. There are three dimensions in the discourse described by Van Dijk namely, text, social cognition, and social context. Critical discourse analysis of Van Dijk's model is not merely analyzing the text but also looking at the social structure existing in society. The ideology in the text of the advertising discourse in Tempo magazine is as follows: first, the ideology built-in messages delivery to the text of the Tempo magazine advertisement discourse; secondly, the explanation in the text is more accurate and detailed in the schematic section considered influential, third, the ideology of the text of the advertising discourse in Tempo magazine is a part of element of syntax, semantic, and rhetorical. Ideology in the text of the advertising discourse in Tempo magazine is very dependent and influential in the social, political, economic, and other contexts. In this study, there are study aspects that can be relevant to the study of discourse analysis in higher education, namely a model for analyzing texts based on the CDA approach. The results of this study can be used as references to analyze written texts and in linguistic analysis.


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How to Cite

Maimun, M., Mandala, H., & Arifuddin, .-. (2018). Ideology in tempo magazine advertising: a critical discussion analysis. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 5(6), 40–51.



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