Influencing factor on brand switching behaviour between millennial and x generation in mobile phone market


  • Putu Dyah Permatha Korry Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas), Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ni Wayan Suartini Universitas Mahendradatta, Denpasar, Indonesia


Brand switching, Lifestyle, Millennial generation, X generation, Younger colleagues


Every generation owns the particular uniqueness in expectation, experience, generational history, lifestyle, value, and demography which influenced the buying behaviour. In terms of brand loyalty, X generation is less interested to try a new brand rather than their younger colleagues. Therefore, many companies reach their multi-generation customers and try to understand in order to get the attention of its various customers. Besides, consumer behaviour is the main field and resource of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Program, therefore, it is important to evaluate the pattern and motive behind the buying behavior each generation through its own characteristics. This research aimed at knowing the influence of product quality, price, image brand, and electronic word of mouth (EWOM) to brand switching smartphone for X and Millennial generation. The sample of this research is 100 respondents of X generation and 100 respondents of Millennial Generation whom domiciliated in Denpasar City. The techniques of collecting the sample are purposive sampling method. The method of analyzing data by using Multiple Linear Regression by testing R2, t-test, f test, and ANOVA test. By doing a hypothesis test, product quality and price have a significant positive impact to brand switch in X generation while in the Millennial generation, the factor which has a significant positive impact is the brand image. The result of t-test shows that variable of product quality, price, brand image, and who has simultaneously impact to brand switching for both generations. The result for R2 test of X generation is 55% and Millennial generation is 11 %. The result of the ANOVA test shows that there is average diversity in both generations with 0,005 significance.


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How to Cite

Korry, P. D. P., & Suartini, N. W. (2018). Influencing factor on brand switching behaviour between millennial and x generation in mobile phone market. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 5(6), 80–92.



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