Intertextuality of Balinese writers works in comprehending tradition (reinterpretation, reconstruction, and cultural response)


  • Gde Artawan Ganesha University of Education, Jl.Ahmad Yani 67 Singaraja, Indonesia


comprehending tradition, cultural response, intertextuality of Balinese writers works, reconstruction, reinterpretation


This study aims at finding intertextuality of Balinese writers’ works in reinterpreting culture, finding intertextuality of Balinese writers’ works in comprehending tradition. Sociologically, the works of those three writers were reviewed to know the narrative construction. Textually, intertextuality of the three Balinese writers’ works was reviewed in comprehending the tradition. Participatory, the Balinese writers could be involved in the socio-cultural interaction through textual narration in form of a novel. This study used qualitative research design in form of cultural studies, especially the review of tradition. The research subjects were Ni Rawit Ceti Penjual Orang (1935), Sukreni Gadis Bali (1936) by Panji Tisna; Putri I, and Putri II (2004) by Putu Wijaya; Kenanga (2003), and Tarian Bumi (2004) by Oka Rusmini. Most of the collected data were in form of qualitative data. The data were analyzed through some steps namely data reduction, data presentation, interpreting data, and concluding. Some conclusions can be drawn from the intertextual relation of the three novels from the writers: Panji Tisna, Putu Wijaya, and Oka Rusmini.


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How to Cite

Artawan, G. (2017). Intertextuality of Balinese writers works in comprehending tradition (reinterpretation, reconstruction, and cultural response). International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 4(3), 51–60. Retrieved from



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