Packaging design for banten



banten, design, labeling, marketing, product


Bebantenan or banten is a series of hand-made products arranged according to certain rules. It used by Hindu communities in Bali as offerings. The banten production can be a livelihood for some people in Bali. One of the villages wherein the community produces banten for commercial activities was Lukluk Village. The partner in this study was the bebantenan group namely Sekar Jepun. The study was conducted become a solution regarding the problems occurred. The target set was in accordance with the activity planned to get the solution offered. It was included the products produced well packaged, therefore, they last long, partners have a logo become a brand image. Based on the activities implementation, the targets achieved were partners having attractive and eye-catching packaging labels, as well as neat packaging. With good packaging, it was hoped the products produced by partners will last long. Based on an evaluation by partners, they stated that they obtained a lot of orders due to the canang produced was well packed. The activities that cannot be conducted was packaging design training. This happened due to the members of the group who understood the computer were not active anymore.


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How to Cite

Suryasa, W. (2019). Packaging design for banten. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 6(1), 70–77.



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