The online prostitution act from legal sociology perspective in Indonesia
online prostitution, legal perspective, criminal law study, sociologyAbstract
The practice of online prostitution that is happening right now is believed to be due to the rapid development of information technology. The influence of technology in the cyber world causes prostitution services to be carried out in disguise such as through mi chat. The purpose of this study was to analyze the existence of online prostitution in the corner of sociology law. Through the approach of legal sociology, online prostitution is only a way of peddling the real practice of prostitution that has happened thousands of years ago. Using normative juridical research methods, this study tried to address some of the problems caused by online prostitution in the country. From the standpoint of legal sociology, online prostitution is a social phenomenon accompanied by technological developments and updates that occur due to economic needs. To overcome this, a law is needed in the form of laws that can now be used by the ITE Law, the development of education, especially religion, expanding employment, the renewal of the Criminal Code to the practice of online prostitution and fostering families so as not to fall into online prostitution.
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