School strategy in developing religious character education of students at MTs Tangerang



character education, habits, religion, school strategy, students


The purpose of this research is to find out the extent of the school's strategy to develop character education that is applied to students about religion and its habits. Research method with a qualitative approach that describes in detail and depth. Data collection techniques through (1) Interviews with key volunteers who know the focus of problems in the school (2). Survey of school locations as research sites, to find phenomena that occur as data to be used in research (3). Documentation studies in the form of photographs, data, archives,    of the school so that it can be understood by related components such as principals, teachers, students, education staff, parents, and school committees (2). Implementation of running every program that has been designed properly and correctly, in accordance with the schedule and guidelines (3). An evaluation that oversees the implementation of the activities carried out so that it continues to be structured with the policies that have been planned so that the implementation is directed, as well as any programs that are running or those that have not been controlled and always provide direction.


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How to Cite

Sutarman, S. (2021). School strategy in developing religious character education of students at MTs Tangerang. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 9(1), 58–66.



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