Contribution of business society credit increasing for society income

Tambawu village Denpasar Bali


  • I Gusti Ngurah Putra Suryanata Undiknas University of Denpasar, Indonesia
  • A.A. Gde Putra Pemayun Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics Undiknas University of Denpasar, Indonesia


Poverty, Small Business, Small Business Credit


This study examines “Contribution of Business Credit Society for Increasing Society Income in Tambawu Village Denpasar Bali. Society's Business Credit is a program that belongs to the poverty reduction group based on the empowerment of small businesses. This policy aims to improve access to capital and other resources for small business. Problems in this research: How is the contribution of Society's Business Credit to small and medium business community in Tambawu Village Denpasar Bali. The purpose of this study: to know and describe the contribution of Society's Business Credit to the business mastering medium community in the Tambawu Village Denpasar Bali. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method, using proportional sampling technique consisting of Bank of financiers and some small and medium business in Tambawu Village, Denpasar Bali. Society's Business Loan is a working capital financing scheme specifically for small businesses in the productive business sector whose business is feasible but has limitations in fulfilling the requirements set by banks. Society's Business Credit is a credit program with a value of IDR. 5 million and a maximum of IDR. 500 million. The results show that all beneficiaries of the Society's Business Credit are helped and feel the benefits and contribution of this policy with the increasing volume of small and medium business group sales can also increase the income of the community in Tambawu Village Denpasar Bali.


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How to Cite

Suryanata, I. G. N. P., & Pemayun, A. G. P. (2018). Contribution of business society credit increasing for society income: Tambawu village Denpasar Bali. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 5(4), 71–79.



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