Innovation development of creative economic products efforts to reduce poverty



creative economy, development, poverty alleviation, product, innovation


This study examines the development of innovative creative economy products to alleviate poverty in the village of Kutuh Ubud, Bali. Today's business competition is increasingly competitive and the dynamic business environment demands that companies engaged in the creative economy must seek breakthroughs and implement strategies following the changing paradigm of local and global consumers. The main problem in this research is How to develop innovative creative economy products to alleviate poverty in Kutuh Village, Ubud, Bali? The research objective is to understand the development of creative economic product innovation efforts to alleviate poverty in Kutuh Village, Ubud, Bali. Companies must be able to create and achieve a competitive advantage over the products they produce to dominate the market and attract consumers. This can be done by creating a better value for the company's competitiveness compared to other competitors. To achieve this, the company must be able to implement strategies and values ??that are different and cannot be copied by its competitors. One of these strategies is through product innovation both on a large and medium scale after seeing market share. The results and discussion show that innovation is very important to win the competition.


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How to Cite

Suryanata, I. G. N. P. (2020). Innovation development of creative economic products efforts to reduce poverty. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 7(5), 62–69.



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