Estimation of Resilience in University Students


  • Anicia Katherine Tarazona Meza Professor Assistant, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Portoviejo, Manabí Ecuador
  • Marina Dalila Zambrano Aguayo Head of the Services of the Laboratories "Luis Flor Cedeño" of the Faculty of Medicine, Veterinary
  • Miguel Giancarlo Ormaza Cevallos Teacher in the administration department of the Technical University of Manabí
  • Patricio Fabián Rezabala Zambrano Graduated from clinical psychology at Universidad Técnica de Manabí


Resilience, Base Conditions, Oneself Vision, Resilience Factor, Resilient Response, Problem Vision


The objective of the work is to estimate the resilience level of university students for future resilience interventions. The paper presents a conceptual analysis of the term resilience, based on the criteria of contemporary authors framed in two generations. The methods and techniques used in the work are exposed, where two tools for measuring resilience are highlighted. The importance of the study of resilience in the university environment is discussed and the statistical and graphical results related to the application of the aforementioned instruments are shown in terms of measuring the resilience level in the university students of seven faculties of the Technical University of Manabí.


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How to Cite

Meza, A. K. T., Aguayo, M. D. Z., Cevallos, M. G. O., & Zambrano, P. F. R. (2018). Estimation of Resilience in University Students. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 5(1), 16–24. Retrieved from



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